Kaspersky Kasih Tips Communication Between IT Employees And Business Executives

JAKARTA - Study Kaspersky revealed that a third of C-level executives (37%) are struggling to equalize understanding of the adoption of new security solutions with their IT or IT security counterparts. However, increasing the budget for cybersecurity is the toughest topic to discuss with non-IT management.

"Today, in a difficult economic environment and a complicated threat landscape, mutual understanding between business owners and IT security persons is becoming more important for business continuity than ever before," said Ivan Vassunov, VP, Corporate Products, Kaspersky.

To avoid additional cybersecurity risks, Vassunov said it was important for both teams to know how to speak in the same language based on reliable numbers, references, and understandable arguments.

To make communication between IT security and business functions within the company more transparent, Kaspersky recommends the following: