Once Again, Soulvibe Talks About Second Chances

JAKARTA - The Soulvibe music group consisting of Bayu Adiputra Imran (vocals), Ramadhan Handyanto Jiwantama (bass), and Mohammad Caesar Rizal (drums) has released a new single titled Once Again which tells the story of a second opportunity.

"This song tells the story of a second chance to open each other's hearts again with the same person," said Bayu, quoted from Antara, Friday.

"There has been a relationship towards a love story in the past but it has not been completed due to miscommunication. And in the present, there came another opportunity that finally allowed them to try again to open their hearts and have a natural relationship," he continued.

Different from the previous works, Soulvibe packaged the song with the concept of live recording. The process of recording drums, bass, guitar, keyboard, and percussion is done live. After that, only vocals and tantrums were recorded to complete it.

This has also become a new experience for Soulvibe for 18 years of career.

However, according to Handy, once again, the outline still shows the characteristics of Soulvibe.

"In general, this song is very Soulvibe. But, in the previous few singles we used a lot of drums machines, sampling, synthesizers and so on, for this song we tried to take the other side of the early 80s. Namely something full organic or the term is very very tight, said Handy.

"That's why the recording process of this instrument is purely played in real-time with each other facing each other in a studio room," Caesar added.

Soulvibe also hopes that the song 'Once Again' can be a'soundtrack' of life for the listeners, and serve as a reminder that there is always an opportunity to do things better.

Once again, it can be heard on all digital music platforms.