Heavy Equipment Starting To Action Lumpur And River Waste In Makassar Which Makes Floods

JAKARTA - The Makassar City Government (Pemkot) has deployed heavy equipment to dredge the clogged river route and cause flooding in Kampung Baru, Antang Village.

"So this solution requires river dredging. I will coordinate with BBWS Pompengan Jeneberang to lower the heavy equipment we have," said Makassar Mayor Moh Ramdhan Pomanto, Friday, February 17, quoted from Antara.

According to him, this is actually the authority of the Center for River Region (BBWS) Pompengan Jeneberang. However, the City Government still came down to help to ease the burden on people affected by the flood.

'Even though this is the authority of the hall, it's okay. We synergize, help each other," said the man who is familiarly called Danny Pomanto.

The Makassar City Government, he said, would not allow its citizens to continue to be affected by flooding and fight for themselves, so that one solution was the dredging of sediment in the river.

The problem of flooding, said Danny, is a technical issue and must be handled in a technical way as well. He plans to make a river water copy route, but the obstacle is to carry out land acquisition first.

"Since yesterday, it has been flooded in the city area, but on the other hand, the river coast area is safe. The water from upstream has just arrived at the river coast. We are starting to subside (sequence) in the city area, but here the water has just arrived," he said.

"And what was hit was indeed in the coastal areas of the river such as the Tallo River, Biring Je ne, and Bone Lengga at Puri Patene," he said after reviewing the location of the flood.

In addition to the new village of Antang, a number of residential areas adjacent to the Watershed (DAS) were affected by overflowing water that was included in the annual flood-prone zone.

"We will discuss the residents first, instead of continuing flooding here. We will budget and talk to all related parties, because the length to be done is 169 meters," he said.

Previously, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Makassar City, reported data on developments on the impact of floods in three sub-districts spread across six urban villages. The number of refugees is 924 people with 245 families spread over 21 evacuation posts.