Users Of Tesla Cars In Europe Care For The Impact Of A Problemy Mobile Application

JAKARTA - Tesla car drivers in Europe had problems using their mobile apps. Users report that the app shows a "503 Server Maintenance" message when they try to use it. Some drivers also complain that they cannot connect to Powerwall battery charging systems in their homes. This problem does not affect users in China because the system is based elsewhere.

A user named Richard complained on Twitter: "Tesla's app has been down for 6 hours now in the UK. A little communication will be good."

Meanwhile, Kelvin CAPalot of Switzerland is worried that he will not be able to open his car without using an application because he left his key card at home. However, Mehdi Moha gave good news that he could still open his car using a cellphone.

This incident came just a month and a half after AA reported that the government's request for electric charging points for Tesla cars and other electric cars was not met. In December last year, Tesla car users were forced to queue at the South Mimm Services.

"The growth in sales of electric cars is good news, but the speed of installing chargers available to the public is not in line with the demand generated. There is no formalization of queues in popular locations. Sometimes the queues are small and clear so drivers can talk to each other about how long it takes for charging. Sometimes there are long queues and tensions may increase when people -- either accidentally or intentionally -- cut queues," Jack Cousens, head of highway policy at AA told the Daily Mail.

Cousens added, "The solution must be two, we need more charging points, but we also need the right charging speed at the right location. The government has a target to provide 300,000 charging points publicly available by 2030, but currently there are only about 35.000 charging points. It is clear that we need more action now to meet the needs of electric car drivers."

According to data from Zap Map, currently there are 6,712 fast and ultra-fast charging devices in locations in the UK serving more than 420,000 electric cars. A member of a Facebook group called 'Tesla Owners Club UK' also complained about the long queue at charging locations. Some of them requested that more charging points be installed throughout the UK.