The Sentence Of Former Minister Edhy Prabowo In The Form Of 4 Years, Expert: Not Mirroring The Feeling Of Justice

JAKARTA - Law expert Faisal Santiago assesses that the reduction in sentences for former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Edhy Prabowo from nine years to five years does not at all reflect a sense of justice.

"First, regarding the KKP case, to be honest, it does not reflect a sense of justice," said Faisal Santiago when contacted in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 14, as reported by Antara.

The reason, said Faisal, was that the person convicted was a minister or official when he was involved in a corruption case. As a high-ranking government official, Edhy should set an example of not committing acts against the law such as corruption.

Surprisingly, the Supreme Court criticized Edy's prison sentence, which was proven to be involved in a bribery case for obtaining a license to export lobster clear seeds or fry for four years. The reason is no less strange, which is seen from his success as Minister of the KKP.

He said the success of Gerindra Party politicians in the fisheries sector must be admitted. However, it does not have a correlation with the decision of the Supreme Court judge regarding the corruption case he committed.

"It reflects a sense of injustice for society," said the Professor of Law at the University of Borobudur.

The case cassation decision involving former KKP Minister Edhy Prabowo was chaired by Sofyan Sitompul with members of each Gazalba Saleh and Sinintha Yuliansih and Substitute Registrar Agustina Dyah Prasetyaningsih.

In its decision, the Supreme Court sentenced the defendant Edhy Prabowo to five years in prison and a fine of Rp. 400 million, provided that if the fine was not paid, it was replaced with imprisonment for six months.

Second, imposing additional penalties on the defendant in the form of revocation of the right to be elected in public office for two years starting from the time the defendant finishes or serves the main sentence.