The Taste Of Jakarta Makes It Complicated At IDR 71.4 Trillion To The Purchase Of 2.2 Million Liters Of Fuel

JAKARTA - Congestion on the streets of DKI Jakarta is increasingly unavoidable at this time. This generally happens when it comes to departure or return to work, where two-wheeled to four-wheeled teams queue each other and progress slowly because of the large number of vehicles passing through the capital city.

Responding to this, Unika Soegijapranata Transportation Observer Djoko Setijowarno said that economic losses due to congestion in the Jabodetabek area reached Rp71.4 trillion per year. This calculation is based on the waste of fuel oil (BBM) and time lost due to traffic jams.

"The impact of economic losses due to congestion in Jabodetabek is now IDR 71.4 trillion per year. There is a waste of 2.2 million liters of fuel per day," Djoko said in his official statement, quoted on Tuesday, February 14.

Djoko said that one of the causes of traffic congestion problems in Jakarta was the dominance of private vehicles. Currently, urban transportation users have experienced a significant decline in demand because people are increasingly dependent on private vehicles.

"If left unchecked, urban transportation is threatened with extinction, and many cities in Indonesia no longer have adequate public transportation," he said.

Therefore, Central Government support is needed, in this case, the Ministry of Transportation, through the expansion of the provision of service purchase subsidies (buy the service).

According to Djoko, Teman Bus has been held in 10 cities, including Medan (Trans Metro Deli), Palembang (Trans Musi Jaya), Jogjakarta (Trans Jogja), Solo (Batik Solo Trans), Denpasar (Trans Metro Dewata), Bandung (Trans Metro Pasundan), Purwokerto (Trans Banyumas), Banjarmasin (Trans Banjarbakula), Makassar (Trans Mamminasata), and Surabaya (Trans Semanggi Surabaya).

"Meanwhile, which is managed by the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency with the BisKita Program has just been held in Bogor City (Trans Pakuan) in 2021. In total, urban transportation has been operating in 11 urban areas," he explained.

Buy The Service (BTS) is done by buying services from operators with established minimum service standards. This needs to be done to attract people's interest in switching to public transportation. "(Indeed) it is not an easy thing to do in the midst of the convenience of using private vehicles, especially motorbikes," he said.

Previously, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, admitted that Jakarta's congestion rate had increased from last year. However, Syafrin did not disclose data regarding the current congestion rate.

"Of course, if we look at the graph, there is an increase (the congestion rate)," said Syafrin at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Monday, February 13.

Syafrin said that one of the causes of the increase in Jakarta congestion was infrastructure development, namely the construction work of the Harbor Road II Toll Road on Jalan RE Martadinata and Jalan Lodan Raya.

"On the north side, it is at RE Martadinata, this year we have work on the construction of Harbor Road Toll II. Currently, there is traffic engineering management for the RE Martadinata road which was previously 4 lanes 2 directions, now it is 2 lanes 1 direction. So, there is a density because it is quite long from the JIS area to the west," said Syafrin.

The toll road construction project in North Jakarta, according to Syafrin, is also the cause of delays in traffic at the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) after the Dewa 19 concert some time ago. This traffic density has drawn complaints from many people.

In addition, another project that causes congestion is the construction of the Jabodebek LRT pole on Jalan MT Haryono, Jalan Gatot Subroto, to Jalan HR Rasuna Said. The project along the protocol road also resulted in long traffic jams to other areas.

"There are several lanes whose points are not optimal because they are affected by the construction of the Jabodebek LRT pole. So, there were 4 lanes, 1 lane was taken to 3 lanes and so on," added Syafrin.