An NTB Drug Courier Who Was Arrested While Sleeping On A Ngaku Ship Paid IDR 20 Million Per Half Ons Of Sabu

NTB - The man with the initials MH (21) who acts as an interprovincial meth courier from Mataram City admits that he receives a salary of Rp. 20 million if he manages to deliver a package of half ounces to a customer.

This confession was conveyed to Mataram Police investigators after MH was arrested in the Lembar Harbor area, West Lombok Regency on Sunday, February 12 in the morning, at around 03.30 WITA.

"From the examination, this MH claimed to be a courier promised a wage of Rp. 20 million by the dealer," said Mataram Police Chief Kombes Pol Mustofa in Mataram, NTB, Monday, February 13, confiscated by Antara.

Mustofa said MH was arrested with evidence of half an ounce of crystal methamphetamine. When arrested, the courier was fast asleep.

"He was fast sleeping on the ferry. He just arrived at Lembar Harbor," he said.

From MH's arrest, the police also arrested four other people who were strongly suspected of being involved in the NTB drug trafficking network.

"The four people have the initials T, EMZ, GT, and AF. They all have different roles," he said.

At first, he said, the police arrested T (37), a man from Dasan Agung, Mataram City. He was arrested based on information from MH who claimed to be handing over the goods to T.

"Perpetrator T was arrested while at the bus stop in the Lembar Harbor area. The perpetrator T is said to be the one who will receive goods from MH," he said.

After arresting T, the roles of other actors, EMZ (38), male from Sekarbela, Mataram City, GT (25), male from Bertais, Mataram City, and AF (30), male from Wanasaba, East Lombok Regency, were also revealed.

"The other three perpetrators were arrested somewhere in the Kuripan area, West Lombok Regency," he said.

Mustofa also said that EMZ acted as the person who ordered T to take goods from MH.

Then AF, who ordered the dealer. Meanwhile, GT is the perpetrator who introduced MH to AF to take goods from the dealer.

Regarding the whereabouts of the dealer, Mustofa assured that his party had pocketed an identity. He was also reluctant to reveal it to the public because it was still in the process of developing in the field.

"What is clear is that this city is from outside NTB, we have pocketed the identity and is now in the process of developing the search," he said.

Furthermore, Mustofa said that his party had now secured four perpetrators. The examination process is said to be still ongoing by leading to the rules of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.