Know The Terms And How To Make A Digital KTP And The Differences With Ordinary E-KTPs

YOGYAKARTA The government through the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Ditjen Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) has stated that it will not increase the supply of e-KTP blanks. In the future, electronic ID cards (KTP-el) will be replaced using digital or Digital Population Identity (IKD) or Digitial ID cards. So, how do you make a Digital ID card? What are the requirements needed to make a Digital ID card?

Digital Population Identity (IKD) or Digital ID card is the transfer of e-KTP which is currently being used by residents of indonesia into smartphones, both in the form of photos and QR Codes.

Quoted from the official website of the Dukcakpil of the Ministry of Home Affairs, IKD has been tested on employees within the district/city Dukcapil Office in Indonesia. The application of IKD will be carried out in several stages before it is applied to the general public.

"The initial stage will be applied to employees in district/city Disdukcapil environments, then ASN employees throughout Indonesia, then students and students," said Director General of Dukcapil of the Ministry of Home Affairs Zudan Arif Fakrulloh some time ago.

IKD comes in the form of an application called Digital Population Identity which can be downloaded using a mobile device.

For now, the application is only available on mobile devices based on Android. The requirement to make a Digital ID card is:

As for how to create a Digital KTP, among others:

Just for additional information, activation of the Digital Population Identity or Digital ID card can be done at the Dukcapil Office or at the District Office according to domicile. Registration for the IKD application, needs to be accompanied by Dukcapil officers because this registration requires strict verification and validation with face recognition technology.

Different Digital ID cards and e-KTPs

Adapting from the Indonesia Good page, the difference between a Digital ID card and an e-KTP or an ordinary e-KTP, is the QR Code on a Digital KTP. IKD can be a digital identity for Indonesian citizens (WNI).

According to the Director General of Population and Civil Registry of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, the creation of digital e-KTP requires smartphones and internet connections. This applies, especially to millennials, most of whom are used to using smartphones in their daily activities.

Later, ordinary e-KTPs will no longer need to be printed or stored in their physical forms in the wallet as usual, but can be stored on a smartphone.

That's the information on how to make a Digital KTP. Update on the latest news developments is only on VOI.ID.