After Appearing In Russia, Former Svmmerdose Vokalis Rinrin Will Hold Letter To Mini Showcase

JAKARTA - Former Svmmerdose vocalist Rinrin will feature the song Letter to Myself which she just released at the Letter to Mini Showcase event, a small show that will be held at Cafe EH!

The singer and songwriter will also collaborate with Abraham Kevin, Julian Jacob, Voxxes, J Jey, & GR Yunk to perform songs with different arrangements from their original works. Musician from Bogor, Featuz will also enliven the event as an opening act.

In the song Letter to Myself, Rinrin tells how it would be if she, who used to be 17 years old, could see the current version of herself. He wanted to convey a message that whatever we achieve at this time must be grateful because we have become the best version of ourselves that we wanted before.

Based on the information received by the editors, the process of composing this song flowed quickly. Since Svmmerdose disbanded, Rinrin has spent almost a year looking for her character in music again. He remained in the alternative genre, but decided to restore his trademark as Rinrin. Disbanded his old stage name, Tarrarin.

In this solo project, Rinrin often inserts authentic appearances of sounds and instruments that feel more intimate. The elements of the music are made simpler with the progress of Rinrin's signature chords.

On December 15 last year, Rinrin performed this song at the Kazan OIC Youth Capital 2022 Closing Ceremony in Kazan, Russia. In this event, Rinrin also won an award as Young Islamic Culture and Art Ambassador of the Year.

In the following songs, Rinrin wants to combine elements of traditional Indonesian music with international music so that she can preserve traditional Indonesian music through modern songs.