Corruption Of Rp. 157.9 Million, A Village Head In North Sulawesi Was Arrested By The Police

MANADO - An unscrupulous Old Legal Officer or village head in one of the villages in Kauditan District, North Minahasa Regency (Minut), North Sulawesi and two residents are suspects in the alleged corruption case of Rp. 157.9 million in village funds.

"Oknum Pejabat Hukum Tua berinisial FG (50) bersama dua warga berinisial ML (38) dan LR (27) sudah ditahan Polres Minahasa Utara, dan pada Rabu (8/2) sudah diserahkan ke Kejari Minahasa Utara," kata Kabid Humas Polda Sulut Kombes Pol Jules Abraham Abast, dikutip ANTARA, Sabtu 11 Februari.

The corruption case committed by the suspect is a village fund for two village programs for the 2020 and 2021 fiscal years.

"Village funds that are suspected of being corrupted by suspects are the village digitization program for the 2021 fiscal year worth Rp. 183,166,900, and the 2020 Tax and Retribution Revenue Sharing (BHPR) program worth Rp.46,977,136," he said.

The official of the Old Law is suspected of working on the program personally, and not being carried out in accordance with the budget plan, along with two residents without any involvement.

"FG carried out these two activities without involving village officials as the executor of budget activities, and instead involved two other residents," he said.

He added, based on the report on the results of the examination by the North Minahasa Regency Inspectorate, there was a deviation of funds worth Rp. 157,965,575, which came from a price halch of Rp. 35,612,875, expenditure that did not comply with the provisions of Rp. 35,615,500 and spending without evidence support worth Rp. 86,737,200," said Abast.

The suspect is charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 3 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as has been added and amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning corruption, with the threat of life imprisonment or imprisonment for a minimum of 4 years and a maximum of 20 years. years.