Has The Desire For Core Relations Decreased? It Could Be Because Of HSDD

JAKARTA - Decreased to the loss of a person's desire to have sex and fantasy with a partner for a long time could be due to hypoactive sexual decision disorder (HSDD). Obstetric and Gynecology Specialist Dr. Deva Karimah, Sp.OG says HSD can be caused by psychological and non-psychological problems or medical disorders such as hormonal problems and organ function disorders.

"Generally, this condition is more suffered by women than men, namely 8.9 percent in women aged 18 - 44 years and 12.3 percent in women aged 45 - 54 years," he said, citing research by Parish.J.Sharon et al, 2016.

Putri, who practices at Pondok Indah Hospital Pondok Indah, said that several other studies stated that one in 10 women experienced HSD, and as many as 32 percent of women and 15 percent of men were likely to experience loss of desire that could last up to several months.

One of the reasons why women experience HSD is that there is a hormonal change factor when approaching and entering the periodic age. This condition, according to Putri, can be a big problem and it is important to pay attention to if it interferes with the quality of life and there is an underlying medical condition.

"This condition often affects the mentality of the sufferer, such as stress, or damage to relationships with the couple," said Putri, who is a member of the Indonesian Obstetrics and Gynecology Association (POGI).

Generally, women with HSDD have no desire to think about all things about sex to having sex, or when having sex do not get a sense of comfort or pleasure. This will affect the process of the woman's cycle of sexual response.

Putri then explained the stages of the human cycle of sexual response, namely passion or desire, encouragement, and motivation to connect. This encouragement usually arises from the brain (psychoneuroendocrine).

Next, arousal or passion during intercourse. At this stage, the lubrication stage in the vagina, heart work, and breathing is getting faster.

Next, orgasm. According to Putri, a healthy intimate or sexual relationship will pass through this phase until it reaches a peak of satisfaction. The breathing and work of the heart are increasing, blood pressure increases, muscle contraction results in ejaculation in men, and contraction of the uterus and vagina in women.

The last stage is resolution. Putri said this phase occurs after orgasm is achieved. The body will become relaxed and comfortable, breathing and heart work will return to normal. However, if there is no orgasm, it will be the discomfort that will be felt.

If this phase or cycle is not passed, then a sense of comfort, pleasure, and orgasm cannot be achieved. Instead of being hurt and disturbed.

"For example, women with arousal disorders will dry up the vaginal area due to a lack of lubricant/puss production to wet the vaginal area," Putri said as quoted by ANTARA.

Putri said HSD could be triggered by psychological or mental problems, such as trauma, problems with partners, social factors such as very busy working women, especially in middle-aged women.

In addition, this can also be caused by medical problems such as hormonal changes in women before and when they are ready. The decrease in estrogen hormones causes a lack of lubrication in the vagina and causes pain when having sex (dispareunia).

Disorders in the brain's work system, surgery history in the reproductive organs, and consumption of certain drugs, can also be a trigger factor.

There are also other HSDD trigger factors such as organic compounds in the brain called inactive neurotransmitters, which interfere with sexual desire and function and sleep problems that cause a person to get tired easily.

Other factors can be the effect of several drugs such as antidepressant drugs, chemotherapy drugs, etc., then some comorbidities such as diabetes, heart problems, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), cancer, and others. Pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding can also be a trigger.

According to Putri, people with HSDD don't need to worry because this problem can be handled by knowing the cause first. How to deal with and handle this condition requires a medical and psychological approach, as well as the desire of the husband and wife.

"So, if you have started experiencing symptoms of being reluctant to have sex with your partner, don't hesitate to consult a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, a specialist in andrology and sexology, or a specialist in mental medicine/psychiatrist," he suggested.