Expand Electric Vehicles, Blue Bird Add 500 Units This Year

JAKARTA - PT Blue Bird (Tbk) or BIRD plans to increase its electric vehicle fleet this year. Currently, Blue Bird already has 100 units and will add 500 more units.

Blue Bird President Director Sigit Djokosoetono said that the electric vehicles to be added were a fleet for regular taxis and also vehicles that had many enthusiasts.

"We plan to increase electricity by 200 to 500. Consisting of regular taxi vehicles is also for vehicles that have a lot of rentals. So this year's addition is planned to be around that much," he told reporters, written Friday, February 10.

Sigit said, the addition of a fleet of 500 electric vehicles would be realized if there were no obstacles from the production supply.

"We are trying to see if we can get it enough because we know that all vehicle supplies are also hampered. So we have prepared a capex, if the vehicle supply is sufficient, ready, we can implement the electric vehicle," he said.

Meanwhile, for the addition of the overall fleet, said Sigit, Blue Bird plans to buy 6,000 units this year. This is done for rejuvenation and also the addition of fleets.

Furthermore, Sigit said that many vehicles must be rejuvenated. The estimate is to reach 4,000 units.

Sigit said, his company prepared a total fund of IDR 2 trillion for rejuvenation and additional fleets this year.

"We have prepared a total capex of almost Rp. 2 trillion for the addition and rejuvenation of vehicles," he said.

Regarding the addition of the fleet, said Sigit, this year Blue Bird is still focused on adding fuel-based vehicles (BBM) rather than electricity.

"Of course there will be more in gasoline, in gasoline vehicles. Because it is the product that is still the most popular now," he said.