200 Children With Disabilities In Surabaya Follow "Disabilities Talent Festival"

SuRABAYA - As many as 200 children with disabilities in East Java participated in the "Disability Talent Festival" activity in 2023 held by the Regional Representative Council (DPD) Autism Awareness Indonesia (AAI). "Through this festival, we want to educate the public that these special children have privileges through their talents and advantages. So that people no longer see it with the eye," said DPD Chairman AAI Jatim, Vivin Komalia, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 9. In the festival held two days, namely on 9 and 10 February, this does not wa involve children from SLB alone. But there are also from communities and individuals. In addition to holding festivals, DPD AAI East Java is also working with several parties to provide child talent development assistance, one of which is in the field of painting. "Currently we still embrace 1 percent of children with disabilities. The reason is because parents are less confident in developing children with disabilities," he said. Vivin explained that parents also need support when following child development activities. His party hopes that through this activity, the community especially parents can receive children with disabilities. In addition to support from stakeholders to attend in disability activities.East Java Social Service secretary, Sukardi revealed that this festival is an extraordinary activity, because it provides space and opportunity for children with disabilities to show their potential, so that children believe in themselves and receive appreciation for their talents." Social education so far has also provided instructors to provide skills to provide self-support so that children can prepare themselves to even open independent businesses. There are still few children with disabilities who have the opportunity to self-developed, motivated by self-developing because some factors are still reluctant and ashamed. We provide room for Koraning in our mosques with their language," he said. In addition, children with visual limitations are also given learning so that they can be more independent in carrying out their activities such as normal children. Sukardi said, his party through UPT Dinsos has also provided instructors to provide instructors to provide skills so that children can prepare themselves to be independent.