Emergency Kudus Teacher Availability, Need 600 Teachers In Fast Time

KUDUS - Kudus Regency Government, Central Java, lacks teachers because many teachers with the status of civil servants (ASN) are entering retirement. This area needs an additional 600 new teachers to fill the vacancy of teaching staff in a number of public schools.

"Until now, there is still a shortage of teachers, so the Kudus Regency Government is trying to increase it by proposing through the selection of government employees with a work agreement (PPPK)," said Kudus Regent Hartopo in Kudus, Wednesday, February 8, as reported by Antara.

Even if later there is a CPNS opening, the Kudus Regency Government will of course also ask for a quota to increase the number of teachers.

He also thanked private teachers who were still willing to teach because advanced education would have an impact on the progress of the City of Kudus.

Meanwhile, the number of ASN teachers entering their monthly retirement period is tens of people, so that in a year of course there are hundreds of teachers who retire.

Secretary of the Education, Youth and Sports Office of Kudus Regency, Moh Zubaidi, confirmed that every month there are ASN teachers who retire, so the number of teachers who retire is also dynamic.

"Next month it could increase, so the accumulation in a year is certainly quite a lot," he said.

The allocation of teacher formation through this year's PPPK selection, he said, Kudus Regency only received an allocation of 411 formations, so it still did not meet its needs.