Haru Bima Arya And Ridwan Kamil Moments At The Bogor Street Festival CGM 2023

BOGOR - Bogor Street Festival Cap Go Meh (BSF CGM) 2023, Sunday 5 February on Jalan Suryakencana is the last moment for the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, who has served two terms.

Likewise with the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil who will also end his term as Governor of West Java.

The arrival of Bima Arya and Ridwan Kamil along with Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Wamenparekraf), Angela Tanoesoedibjo, Deputy Mayor of Bogor. Dedie A. Rachim Rector of IPB University, Arif Satria was warmly welcomed by residents who had been waiting along Jalan Suryakencana.

On that occasion, the Head of the Bogor Presidential Palace, Erwin Wicaksono, the Bogor City Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda), members of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Eddy Soeparno, the wife of the Mayor of Bogor, Yane Ardian and the wife of the Governor of West Java, Atalia Praratya, Deputy Mayor of Bogor, Dedie A. Rachim and Istri, Yantie Rachim.

The opening of the Bogor Street Festival CGM 2023 begins with a maturation procession, a siliwangi runny nose, interfaith prayers represented by each religion, and continues with the appearance of traditional dance arts typical of Bogor and drinking air or sea water symbolically carried out together.

The BSF CGM in Bogor City was said by the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil as the best CGM in West Java from the results of the overall evaluation.

At the last moment of attending CGM as Governor of West Java because of the term of office which will be completed in September 2023, Ridwan Kamil said goodbye to residents of Bogor City.

"Hopefully this diversity will be maintained, continue to be perfected, repaired until it ends up being the best in Indonesia," he said.

From 1 to 10 Ridwan Kamil gave a 9th value for the implementation of the Bogor Street Festival CGM in Bogor City.

According to him, Bogor Street Festival CGM Bogor City is the best face from West Java.

"The best face represented by the City of Bogor in maintaining Pancasila, maintaining Bhineka Tunggal Ika, maintaining diversity in peace," he said.

In general, Ridwan Kamil continued, development in Bogor City was very fast. During his tenure, West Java Province also allocated a budget for development in Bogor City.

At the end of his term of office, Ridwan Kamil said that he had made maximum efforts in building West Java, including in Bogor City.

"There is a lake where the most beautiful is big, previously I designed the Bogor City Square, then gave Creative Center, built the Bogor City Hospital and Rp 50 billion for the Otista bridge so that it doesn't get stuck again and there will be a new high school unit construction," he said.

The existence of the Bogor Street Festival CGM 2023 and the presence of figures in Bogor City are indeed one of the most anticipated events after previously not being carried out due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya said, why is this event eagerly awaited, because apart from looking for entertainment, culinary travel, watching parades, people present from various regions outside the city of Bogor also want to celebrate diversity and brotherhood in differences.

"The Bogor City DNA is DNA that loves diversity, therefore allow me to convey from Bogor to Indonesia to unite in diversity," he said.

Regarding the Governor of West Java who will end his term of office in September 2023, Bima Arya expressed his gratitude for his togetherness in development.

Bima Arya, who will also end his term of office this year, also conveyed a message to the next Mayor of Bogor, so that CGM is maintained.

"Not just art and culture, but this is a tradition of caring for diversity and a hereditary legacy from our ancestors. Hopefully, we will continue to collaborate with the Bogor City Government, because this is the spirit of Indonesia, according to the tagline 'From Bogor to Indonesia'," he said.

At this CGM momentum, Bima Arya and Ridwan Kamil walked along Jalan Suryakencana and greeted him by shaking hands which was then greeted enthusiastically by residents.

To welcome the two figures, the community also wore masks with pictures of Ridwan Kamil and Bima Arya.