Minister Of Agriculture Syahrul For Rice Projection Surplus 3 Million Tons

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agriculture projects that there will be a rice surplus in the January to March period of around three million tons.

The projection is based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and data held by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) explained that the data obtained by BPS is official data from the country which cannot be doubted because it has used the KSA method.

From the Ministry of Agriculture itself, SYL sambunh, data processing uses three methods, namely the standing crop method, regional reports and field reviews.

"So don't doubt BPS data. because the data has gone through a long process. Including KSA data, then we used three methods, standing crop, artificial intelligence, regional reports and came directly to the field. The result is the same, our rice is sufficient," he said in an official statement, Monday, February 6.

As is known, one of the ongoing harvests is Sukamakmur Village, Sukakarya District, Bekasi Regency, West Java.

Head of the Bekasi Regency Agriculture Service, Nani Suwarni, said that the current land raw area reaches 47,000 hectares (ha), while the land in Sukakarya District reaches 3,420 hectares.

"From this area, the harvested land reaches 423 hectares with an average productivity of 6.5 tons per ha," said Nani.

Meanwhile, Head of BPS Bekasi Regency Nevi Hendri said the rice harvest area in Sukakarya Village had increased by three percent from the previous year's harvest area. This increase has occurred since 2021 which is calculated based on the method of the Area Sempel Framework (KSA).

Technically, said Nevi, rice production is obtained from the multiplicity of clean harvest with productivity. The harvest area of rice plants on rice fields is corrected by the amount of the conversion of a Cane.

Meanwhile, continued Nevi, rice production was obtained from the product of rice or grain production with the conversion rate of unhulled rice to rice.

The production of rice and rice is calculated up to the district and city levels. Including the count in Bekasi Regency. Where since 2021 the harvest area has increased by 3 percent," said Nevi.

Thus, said Nevi, the current production is able to meet the needs of the people of Bekasi or in sufficient categories. However, he sees that maximum efforts must be made on the distribution side from one place to another.

"In terms of production, it can be said that it is able to meet the needs of the people of Bekasi Regency. It's just a matter of how we optimize the distribution so that the production produced runs optimally," he said.

In addition, Nevi said that rice production in Bekasi Regency was in the top 5 in West Java.

This shows that the potential for rice or grain in Bekasi Regency is extraordinary because it is a food buffer in West Java and Jakarta.

"So that this position really needs to be maintained, including the regeneration of farmers so that millennials also go down. Moreover, the existence of mechanization technology can be an attraction for millennials to plunge as agricultural actors," he said.