Ombudsman Notes, Community Loss Due To Maladminitration In South Kalimantan Capai Rp 3.4 Billion

The Indonesian Ombudsman Representative of South Kalimantan (South Kalimantan) reported a valuation of IDR 3.4 billion in public losses due to maladministration in the implementation of public services by state and government administrators.

"Of the 236 public reports handled throughout 2022, of them 31 can be evaluated with a value of Rp. 3,482,228,078," said Head of the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative Office of South Kalimantan (Kalsel) Hadi Rahman, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, February 3.

The valuation of community losses comes from 13 sectors, the largest in infrastructure, then banking, staffing, electricity and clean water services.

The value varies from the smallest Rp. 200 thousand to Rp. 2.8 billion from the largest sector. He explained that the valuation of public losses, both material and immaterial, is a form of performance accountability or accountability to the public regarding the use of the state budget and the realization of the state's presence in fulfilling services for the community.

The losses suffered by the community can be illustrated by complaints or demands filed on the legal basis of Law Number 37 of 2008 concerning the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia and Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services.

Meanwhile, the forms of saving public losses that have been successfully carried out by the South Kalimantan Ombudsman include refunds, direct or indirect receipts and repayment, release or relief of costs. Meanwhile, the beneficiaries of the rescue of losses include individual whistleblowers and the community as a whole who were also affected by the implementation of public services after a follow-up from the Ombudsman.