Police Use TAA Technology To Express Motor Speed Hasya Athallah's Motor Speed When An Accident OCCURs

JAKARTA - The police used Traffic Accident Analysis (TAA) technology to explore facts related to the accident that killed University of Indonesia (UI) student Hasya Atallah Saputra. Head of TAA Korlantas Polri Kombes Dodi Darjanto said the technology carried out by his party was to be aware of car damage, traces on the streets to buildings at the scene.

"So it puts forward not witness testimony. But based on car damage, motorcycle damage, traces on the streets, buildings, through this simulation tool he can record three-dimensionally based on physical and mathematical calculations, so it's authentic. So it's impossible to lie," said Dodi to reporters at the location, Thursday, February 2.

In addition, he said TAA's technology could answer questions about the accident that killed Hasya. You can even find out, the speed of the vehicle between the victim and the perpetrator.

The police revealed that the speed of the Pajero car driven by retired police officer AKBP Eko Setio was 30 km/hour. The police also said that Hasya's vehicle was traveling at 60 km/hour.

"You can (strengthen vehicle-ed speed). So even if you don't, the lack of witnesses you have is not an obstacle for the National Police at this time to capture the traces at the TKP in such a way, you can fully describe how the process of traffic accidents is happening at this time," he said.

Previously, it was reported that Hasya's accident with the retired police officer AKBP Eko Setio occurred on Thursday, October 6, at around 21.30 WIB, on Srengseng Sawah Street, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. When the weather occurred, it was raining and the road was slippery.

Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Latif Usman explained that the incident began with victim Hasya who was traveling from south to north at a speed of 60 km/hour.

Based on the testimony of the witness who was the victim's friend, explaining that there was a vehicle that suddenly turned. At the time of the incident, the victim Hasya immediately avoided stopping her vehicle suddenly. As a result, the victim slipped and entered another road.

"So his friend himself explained that at that time suddenly there was a vehicle in front of him (the victim) wanted to turn right so the victim made a sudden braking," said Latif.

At the same time, from the opposite direction, a Pajero car arrived driven by Eko who was said to be traveling at a speed of 30 km/hour. He could not avoid the accident, causing Hasya to get hit.

"Well, Mr. Eko at this time can't avoid it because it's close. So it's not a collision with a Pajero vehicle, but it fell to the right and was accepted by Pajero, so an accident occurred," he concluded.

It is known that the incident involving AKBP (Ret.) Eko Setio occurred on Srengseng Sawah Street, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, Thursday, October 6, at around 21.30 WIB.