A Total Of 36 Bogor Residents Reported Positive For Campak And Cares For

BOGOR - Bogor City Regional General Hospital (RSUD) noted that there are 36 residents who are currently undergoing treatment because they are positive for stigma. This number is reported to have been going on since early 2023.

Based on recorded data, the number of symptomatic cases experienced a spike in early 2023. As of January 30, 2023, there were 36 symptomatic cases that are now being handled by the Bogor City Hospital.

A total of 14 patients are residents of Bogor City and 22 other patients are from Bogor Regency.

Sub-Coordinator of Medical Care for Inpatients at the Bogor City Hospital, Dr. Adhari Zulkarnain, said that of the 36 patients being treated, the conditions were fairly safe and under control. The patients were treated in the room of Situgede's children.

"Of the 36 patients treated, 11 patients are still being treated. Meanwhile, 25 patients have recovered and are allowed to go home," he said, Tuesday, January 31.

Adhari suspects that the increase inship cases has been caused by the last two years that many children have not been immunized, due to the focus of health services in handling the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, his party revealed that the Bogor City Hospital provides MR/MMR vaccination services forsettle.

"People who want to immunize can register at the Poli clinic, but pay. Immunization can also be done at the nearest health center," explained the doctor who wore these glasses.

Adhari said, ifhit disease is caused by the RNA virus. The virus can be transmitted droplets that come out of the nose, mouth or throat of a person who is infected with▁besartilin when sneezing, coughing and talking.

Although prone to transmission, the virus is prone to death due to insecurity against hot temperatures.

Meanwhile, the Managing Director of the Bogor City Hospital, Dr. Ilham Chaidir, ensured that his staff had prepared themselves in the event of a spike inship cases. This readiness was due to around 70 percent of patient visits at the Bogor City Hospital being residents of Bogor Regency.

"Of course we are ready to play a role in helping overcome this problem. Allisill patients who are now being treated at the Bogor City Hospital are handled well here," said Dr. Ilham Chaidir.

It is known, on January 28, the Bogor City Health Office issued a press release regarding the current situation of the Sampel case in Bogor City. In that release, the Head of the Bogor City Health Office, Dr. Sri Nowo Retno, revealed that his party had sent 87 suspected cases ofevaporation to the Bio Farma Laboratory in Bandung with information that they were still waiting for the results.

Based on the distribution data, smallpox cases are spread across 24 urban villages in 68nkelurahan in Bogor City. Where there are 4 urban villages with more than 1 case of scheme.

The four urban villages, namely Gunung Batu Village with 4 cases, Loji Village with 3 cases, Pasir Jaya Village with 3 cases, and Mulyaharja Village with 3 cases.