Strong Ma'ruf Asks Judges To Reject Prosecutor Response: Only An Assumption And Imagination

The defendant's camp, Strong Ma'ruf, asked the panel of judges to reject the replica from the public prosecutor (JPU). This is because the pretexts drawn up in the demands and the replicas are considered only based on assumptions and imaginations.

The request was made by Ma'ruf's team of legal advisers to respond to the prosecutor's replication at the previous trial.

"We ask the panel of judges who examine and try the a quo case to give a verdict, reject all replications from the public prosecutor," said Strong legal adviser Ma'ruf during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, January 31.

One of the things considered assumptions by the prosecutor was about Putri Candrawathi's affair with Yosua alias Brigadier J. Because, during the trial there was no information and evidence that led to this.

On that basis, the panel of judges was also asked to accept the duplication of Kubu, the defendant, Strong Ma'ruf. Especially, to free Strong Ma'ruf from all charges by the prosecutor.

"Please, decide as the pleidoi dictum of the legal advisory team which was read out on Tuesday, January 24, 2023," said Ma'ruf's team of legal advisers.

Meanwhile, Strong Ma'ruf asked the panel of judges who tried the alleged murder case of Yosua alias Brigadier J to release him. His request was based on demands and charges from the prosecutor was not proven during the trial process.

"We, the defendant's legal advisory team with all due respect, please, Your Honor, the Panel of Judges who examined and tried to declare that the defendant Strong Ma'ruf was not legally and convincingly proven to have committed a criminal act of premeditated murder or a criminal act," said lawyer firm Ma'ruf.

Then, in the memorandum of defense or pledoi, the panel of judges was also asked to order the prosecutor to remove Strong Ma'ruf from the Police Criminal Investigation Unit detention center.

Meanwhile, Strong Ma'ruf has been detained for five months since the case of Brigadier J's death was handled by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

"Ordered the Public Prosecutor to remove the Strong defendant Ma'ruf from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police and restore the good name and rights of the defendant in his ability, position of dignity and dignity as before," said the legal adviser.

Strong Ma'ruf was sentenced to 8 years in prison in the murder case of Brigadier J. This is because he is considered involved in a series of murders.

His involvement was by closing the door of the balcony. This action was deemed to reduce the sound of gunfire so as not to be heard by local residents.

With this role, Ma'ruf's strong actions are considered to meet the elements of Article 340 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.