Residents Of Simeulue Aceh On Beaches And Mountains Please Be Alert To The Impact Of Extreme Weather

JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Simeulue Regency, Aceh, reminded the public there to be aware of the impact of bad weather or extremes that can cause natural disasters.

Head of BPBD Simeulue Regency, Zulfadli, said that extreme weather is predicted to hit the island district within the next few days.

"Information from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency that we received, there is the potential for heavy rain accompanied by strong winds in several areas in Simeulue Regency," said Zulfadli, Monday, January 30, quoted by Antara.

The potential for bad weather is in almost all sub-districts in Simeulue Regency. Bad weather has the potential to cause natural disasters such as floods, landslides, and fallen trees.

"We urge people living in disaster-prone areas as well as coastal and mountainous areas, to increase vigilance and preparedness. If a disaster occurs, immediately report it to the relevant parties for immediate action," said Zulfadli.

The fishing chief, said Zulfadli, was temporarily asked not to go to sea because of the weather in the Indian Ocean, which is currently uncertain and high waves.

"For fishermen who go to sea, we remind them not to go too far, and equip themselves with safety equipment and always carry communication tools," said Zulfadli.

Simeulue Regency is the outermost archipelago region in Aceh Province. Simeulue Island is in the Indian Ocean which is about 180 nautical miles from the west coast of Sumatra Island.

Simeulue Regency has been a division of West Aceh Regency since 1999. The district has 10 sub-districts with 138 gampongs or villages inhabited by around 94 thousand people.