Lampung DPRD Calls There A Correlation Between Child Marriages And Stuntings

BANDAR LAMPUNG - Member of the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) of Lampung Province, Apriliati, said that there would be a correlation between child marriage and stunting or stunting cases.

He said, steps to prevent the marriage of minors need to be considered in order to accelerate the reduction of stunting.

"The problem of dispensation of marriage in children is quite high, there must be a number of problems, maybe due to the COVID-19 pandemic, economic factors, or one of them being victims of sexual violence," said this member of Commission V, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 30.

He said that with this tendency, various steps needed to be taken to prevent child marriage consistently and broadly.

"Last year, the DPRD has approved Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2021 concerning the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Children in Lampung, which is one of the efforts to prevent early marriage in children," he said.

In addition, his party continues to carry out socialization to prevent underage marriage in the community.

"Prevention of marriage for minors needs to be considered better, because this has something to do with reducing stunting rates and developing superior human resources," he said.

According to him, the existence of child marriage will cause imbalance, where children will become a burden for young couples who are not financially sufficient so that the fulfillment of nutrition in children is not fulfilled.

"So there are many impacts. Financially and psychologically, they are not ready to cause domestic violence, then the fulfillment of children's nutrition is not optimal and results in stunting," he said.

Therefore, he said, to accelerate the reduction in stunting rates, it is necessary to support all parties in preventing the marriage of minors.

"How to create superior human resources and free stunting if there are many underage marriages. So this needs to be an attention as well," he said.