Prosecutors Call Putri Candrawathi Not Doing Visum Et Repertum To Cover The Lie Of Sexual Harassment

JAKARTA - The public prosecutor (JPU) assessed that the defendant Putri Candrawathi intentionally did not do a post-mortem et repertum even though she claimed to be a victim of rape. This is to cover up lies regarding alleged sexual harassment.The prosecutor made this statement in response to the defense note of Putri Candrawathi's camp."The Putri team used evidence from a forensic psychologist who described Putri Candrawathi as a person who was depressed or traumatized by sexual violence as irrelevant because the evidence was a climate evidence or indirect evidence," said the prosecutor at the trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Monday, January 30.This is in accordance with the views of two forensic psychologists Reni Kusumawardani and Nathanael Johanes Sumampouw. During the trial, the two experts said that the results of forensic psychology analysis had deviation and the results of forensic psychology could not be one hundred percent guaranteeing the truth of the results with actual facts."The results of forensic psychology analysis have deviation and the results of forensic psychology cannot be 100 percent to guarantee the truth of the results with actual facts," he said.Moreover, referring to the testimony of criminologist Professor Muhammad Mustofa, the process of proving whether or not there was sexual harassment must be based on scientific evidence. For example, forensic examinations such as DNA traces in the form of visum et repertum."But the examination was not carried out by Putri Candrawathi because she tried to cover up and defend her camp which was supported by the legal advisory team. In this regard, the arguments put forward by legal advisors must be put aside, "said the prosecutor.Putri Candrawathi during the trial always stated that she was a victim of sexual harassment by Brigadier J.It's just that, she never had a post-mortem. The reason is that Putri Candrawati couldn't contain her shame. Moreover, she was worried that her husband, Ferdy Sambo, would no longer love her.