Ganjar Puji Cara Blora And Rembang Overcome Stunting By Cooperating With The Village Head So Mr. Asuh

JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo appreciated the method of the Blora Regency Government in an effort to reduce stunting. This is done by maximizing the village head to become FATHER or foster parents for stunted children.

This was conveyed by Ganjar while attending a Coordination Meeting with the Blora and Rembang district governments regarding the handling of extreme poverty and stunting reduction, in Sambongrejo Village, Sambong District, Blora.

"Interesting, because of his orders from the district experience, whether it's in Rembang or in Blora, his village head becomes a foster father. That's interesting," said Ganjar, Saturday, January 28.

As in the previous area, Ganjar also invited sub-district heads and village heads from Rembang and Blora Regencies. Ganjar gave directions on reducing extreme poverty and stunting.

When interacting with Ganjar, several village heads claimed to have at least two foster children. The parenting pattern is different, some by providing money assistance. There are also those who provide additional food.

"So I was asked how much you have fostered, I am two families, I am three families. That's a very good mutual cooperation pattern," said Ganjar.

The former member of the DPR RI said that a similar pattern was also carried out in other regions. The difference is only the care system, namely one family being attacked by five families.

"So, it's the turn to give help every day. In my opinion, this is a good practice that brings the spirit of gotong royong and tepa perikara, if in the village it is to help each other, culturally this great thing," he said.

Ganjar is also happy with the response of the village heads who are active and able to answer their questions well. Including, when a village head from Blora admitted that he was confused when he recorded poverty.

"Actually, we need this coordination to answer some of the problems that arise, maybe he doesn't understand how to record poor people and stunting," he said.

The white-haired governor said that when the collected data was valid, the intervention could be right on target.

That's why we convey now to the residents, village heads and sub-district heads, so that all of them later, can show the correct data. So, the problems that arise in the village per individual or per community, we can solve them together. The point is that," said Ganjar.