An Individual Member Of The Pondok Aren Police Is Officially A Suspect In The Psychological Domestic Violence Against His Wife

JAKARTA - A member of the Pondok Aren Police, Bripka HK has been officially named a suspect for the crime of Domestic Violence (KDRT) Psychis against his wife Imelda Sinambela. Information based on the Notification of Investigation Results (SP2HP) from the Criminal Investigation Unit, Imelda Sinambela's attorney, Tris Haryanto, who said that Bripka HK had been named a suspect. Bripka HK has been determined and examined as TSK, then investigators will immediately file and Phase I to the Banten High Prosecutor's Office," he said.

"(Sidang-ed) The ethics will be on Januri 31 tomorrow," he concluded.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko confirmed the determination of the suspect against Bripka HK. He was determined, after an examination was carried out on Wednesday, January 24. "It is true that the person concerned has been named a suspect under Article 45 (2) with a threat of 4 months in prison," Trunoyudo said in a short message, Thursday, January 26. The Bripka HK is still being investigated by the Sub-Directorate of Reajta Unit IV Polda Metro Jaya.