Bomb Detonation Near Journalists' House In Papua, Police Check CCTV: Samar Perpetrators Seen

JAKARTA - Police are still investigating the motive for the alleged bomb terror act experienced by senior journalist in Papua, Victor Mambor. Including ensuring the source of the explosion came from a bomb or other objects.

The Head of Public Relations of the Papua Regional Police, Police Commissioner Iqnatius Benny Ady Prabowo, said the police suspected that the terror was not addressed to journalists who received the 2022 Udin Awards, but may have been addressed to local residents.

"That's because it didn't start with previous intimidation or terror, so it doesn't necessarily go to Mr. Victor Mambor," he said on Wednesday, January 25, as reported by Antara.

Benny said that currently Jayapura City Police investigators are also identifying the suspected perpetrators of the terror through surveillance camera footage or CCTV around the scene.

In addition, the police also collected other supporting evidence in the form of witness statements and others. "The perpetrator is in the process of being identified, from the faint CCTV footage," he added.

Previously, senior journalist Victor Mambor was terrorized by the alleged bomb explosion on Monday, January 23 at around 04.00 WIT.

The bomb exploded on the side of the road about three meters from the wall of Victor Mambor's house located in Angkasapura Village, North Jayapura District, Jayapura City.

From the CCTV footage installed in one part of Victor's house, it was seen that a motorcycle was crossing beside the house before the explosion occurred.

Victor has reported the incident to the Jayapura City Police and then investigators carried out the crime scene (TKP) as well as taking information from the complainant and securing evidence in the form of axes and other materials left over from the explosion.

The act of terror against Victor has occurred twice and the first case occurred on April 21, 2021, which resulted in his Isuzu D-Max car parked on the side of the road being damaged by an unknown person.