Allegedly The Intervention Of The Banding Decision Of Narcotics Cases, 4 Judges At The Tanjungkarang Lampung High Court Were Examined

Four high judges at the Tanjungkarang High Court, Lampung Province, were questioned regarding the alleged intervention in the appeal decision of a narcotics case involving the defendant Suhun.

"A total of seven people have been questioned, including four high judges who are holding the case of the defendant Suhun," said Public Relations of PT Tanjungkarang Gatot Susanto in Bandarlampung, Tuesday, January 24.

He continued, apart from the four high judges, there were also two Substitute Registrars (PP) and one employee of the information technology team (IT) who were examined.

The seven judges, clerks and IT employees were questioned by an internal team of the High Court who had been formed by the Chairman of the High Court to follow up on the sabotage against the results of the appeal decision of the case.

"Since the problem emerged, the Chairman immediately formed a team to examine the judges and clerks who held the case and IT who uploaded the results of the appeal decision," he said, quoted by Antara.

In this case, his party has also summoned the defendant's legal advisory team to clarify the case.

When asked about the results of the clarification, he could not convey it because the matter had been handled by the internal examination team.

"Until today the team is still working and after it is finished we will report the results to the chairman how to follow up in the future," he said.

Regarding the Bawas Team and the Judicial Commission (KY) of the Supreme Court, he did not know. "But it could also have contacted the Chairman," he said.

"The point is that as soon as possible we will take steps in the future for judges, clerks and IT who are being investigated," he said again.

The defendant's legal advisory team, Deswita Apriani, together with Adiwidya Hunandika from the Yunizar BE-i Law Firm confirmed that his party was asked by the High Court to attend.

During the summons, he was questioned by an internal examination team regarding the motive in the case.

"We were asked for motive, we answered there was no motive whatsoever. We only rely on the final verdict before it is changed, which we saw at SIPP," he said.

Deswita added that while waiting for the results of the examination, he was currently focusing on the defendant's psychological recovery.

"We are focusing on how to restore and restore the psyche of our client. In addition, we are also waiting for the results of the examination from the internal team of the High Court," he said.