BPKH Manages Hajj Funds Of Rp166 Trillion, Where To Place?

JAKARTA - The Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) noted that the current hajj management fund is IDR 166.01 trillion.

This amount increased by 4.56 percent when compared to the 2021 balance of IDR 158.79 trillion.

Based on the 2022 BPKH (unaudited) financial report received by VOI, the realization of the hajj managed funds managed to achieve the target installed at IDR 156.23 trillion.

Then, where are these hajj managed funds placed?

Still citing the 2022 BPKH financial report, the managed funds are placed in banks and in various investment instruments.

First, the hajj balance placed in banks reached IDR 48.96 trillion or 29.50 percent of all managed funds in BPKH. This number is up from the 2021 (audited) position which amounted to IDR 45.64 trillion or 28.74 percent.

"The placement of funds in investment instruments reached Rp. 117.05 trillion or 70.50 percent of all managed money," wrote the BPKH 2022 (unaudited) report, quoted on Friday, January 20.

The amount of placement of funds in this investment instrument increased compared to 2021 which amounted to Rp113.15 trillion or 71.26 percent.

In detail, the funds in this investment instrument are divided into state securities (SBN) amounting to Rp114.96 trillion.

This amount increased from the 2021 position of IDR 110.90 trillion.

Then, the funds were also placed in the socialization entity amounting to IDR 1.30 trillion. This amount increased compared to 2021 which amounted to IDR 276.65 billion.

Then, the managed funds were also placed in other direct investments amounting to IDR 779.06 billion.

When compared to 2021 which amounted to Rp964.29 billion, the placement value decreased.

Furthermore, hajj managed funds are also placed in gold investment of IDR 425 million. This investment was only made in 2022, because in 2021 no funds will be placed in gold investments.