Wowon Erawan Alias Aki, A Party Killer In Bekasi And Cianjur Has 6 Wives, 3 Of Them Become Victims
BEKASI - Wowon Erawan alias Aki, the suspect in the Bekasi and Cianjur serial killer, turned out to have six wives. Three of them became suspected victims. "For development, there are several quantities, the number of Wowon suspect's wife is six people. That of course also requires an in-depth process," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko when met, Friday, January 20, was confiscated by Antara. Trunoyudo added that the truth about the six Wowon wives needed to be proven by administrative records. From the information obtained, Wowon's six wives were Wiwin, Ende, Heni, Iis, Halimah, and Ai Maemunah. Of the six wives, three of them were killed, namely Wiwin, Halimah and Ai Maemunah.
Halimah herself is the mother of Ai Maemunah who was killed by Wowon's colleague, Solihin alias Duloh in Cianjur, West Java. Meanwhile, Wowon's wife named Wiwin was also killed and buried in a hole with her mother named Noneng. "So, the temporary death toll amounted to nine people," said Trunoyudo. Previously, the serial murder case, allegedly by Wowon Erawan alias Aki, Solihin alias Duloh and Dede Solahuddin, began with the deaths of three of the five family members in Bantar Gebang, Bekasi, West Java on Thursday 12 January.
The victims named Ai Maemunah and their two children Ridwan Abdul Muiz (20) and M Riswandi (16) were killed by poisoning.
Then in Cianjur, five victims were found, namely Wiwin, who is the wife of Wowon, Bayu, his son, Nong, Wowon's father-in-law and Halimah, another wife Wowon, who was killed by Solihin alias Duloh.
There was one more victim but the body has not been found.
In Garut it was found that one victim was thrown into the sea by the Wowon gang. However, it was found. Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Pol Fadil Imran said this murder case was a series of killers (killers) who were packaged supernaturally with promises to make them rich. "They committed a series of murders or commonly called killer series with supernatural promises to make people successful or rich," said Fadil Imran at a press conference at Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta, Thursday, January 19.
Fadil explained that Wowon and his gang killed the victims because they were considered dangerous after learning about the crime.