In The Preamble To Potential Partners, The Minister Of Energy And Mineral Resources Explained The Need For Indonesia For EBT

JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif who was a speaker at the WEF International forum in Davos met a number of potential investors and explained Indonesia's need for new and renewable energy (EBT).

When meeting with Princesidesur de Parme, a special envoy for the Dutch government for Climate Change, Minister Arifin explained that Indonesia's need to provide mini power plants to be placed in remote areas, considering that Indonesia is an archipelagic country.

Prince Jaime, Queen Juliana's grandson, has shown great interest in helping the Indonesian energy transition process, and targets to reach NZE by 2060.

He told a number of projects his country is working on in producing clean energy.

The Netherlands had previously collaborated with Indonesia regarding the provision of access for the community, especially in the development of microhydro and biogas power plants.

The Minister also supports the efforts of Unilever Indonesia in utilizing renewable electrical energy in the operation of the consumer product giant in Indonesia. This was conveyed when meeting the Head of Unilever Global Supply Chain, Bangkato Ecclissato.

Unilever Indonesia continues to expand its business in Indonesia and is building a third unit of the factory in the Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in North Sumatra.

Minister Arifin asked Unilever to immediately send a report on the use of renewable power used in their production process.

Chevron's top official, Vice President for Sorategi, Policy and Development, Mark Nelson, also requested time to meet the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Chevron asked for an explanation regarding the roadmap for Indonesia's energy transition and incentives provided, as well as what can be done to support government programs. Chevron is an old player in Indonesia, since 100 years ago, including working on the Rokan Block in the Riau area. Operations there switch to Pertamina.

Chevron once developed geothermal energy in Indonesia, then transferred management to Star Energy.

In mid-2022, Chevron collaborated with Pertamina to explore the potential for development in geothermal energy sources, hydrogen, nature-based offsets and capture, utilization and storage.

The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in the 2023 WEF activity was accompanied by the ole Director General of New, Renewable Energy (EBTKE) Dadan Kusdiana.

Practically the activity during the 2023 WEF is to describe programs, roadmaps, and targets for achieving the energy transition and NZE, while inviting investors to participate and collaborate to support programs that are important for the future of the planet earth, especially for the Indonesian people.