2 Members Of BPPI NGO Are Being Hunted By Central Java Regional Police In Relation To Extortion Attempts During The Mediation Of A Rape Case

JAKARTA - The Central Java Police are pursuing two members of an NGO who are suspected of carrying out extortion in the alleged rape of a 15-year-old child by six people in Brebes Regency, Central Java.

"There are nine NGOs in total. Two are still at large," said Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Regional Police Kombes Iqbal Alqudusy in Semarang, Friday, January 20, quoted by Antara.

It turns out that a member of the NGO Barisan Patriot Peduli Indonesia (BPPI) who is still being hunted is a recidivist in the extortion case against the village head in the Brebes area.

The police asked the two members of the NGO who were still being hunted to surrender.

Previously, the police had arrested seven members of a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) suspected of carrying out extortion in the alleged rape of a 15-year-old child by six people in Brebes Regency.

The seven actors are ES (36) who is the Chairman of the BPPI NGO, along with six members each WS (40), AS (42), BJ (35), T (43), AM (42), and UZ ( 38).

The members of the NGO are alleged to have received IDR 62 million from the parents of the six perpetrators of the alleged rape in Sengon Village, Brebes Regency.

The parents of the six perpetrators of rape gave money in varying amounts with promises that the criminal case would not be reported to the police.

The perpetrators said that the money would be handed over to the families of the rape victims.

However, it turned out that only IDR 32 million was handed over to the victim's family, while the rest could not be accounted for by the perpetrators.

In this case, the police have also arrested six perpetrators of alleged extortion against WD.

The six perpetrators respectively AF (14), FH (16), DAP (17), AM (15), AI (19), AM (15) are all residents of Sengon Village, Tanjung District, Brebes Regency.

For their actions, the suspects will be charged under Law Number 23 of 2022 concerning child protection.

The alleged rape of WD, a resident of Sengon Village, Tanjung District, Brebes Regency, occurred around December 2022.