Toddlers Died Of Dianiaya In Pasar Rebo,but From His Mother As Debt Insurance

JAKARTA The East Jakarta Metro Police are still investigating the case of the death of a toddler with the initials AF (2) who died after being tortured at Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta. According to information obtained, the two perpetrators, Antonius Sirait and Titin Hariyani, were the victim's grandparents and grandparents. They took AF from the hands of their parents, Sri Wahyuni, as debt guarantees.

"He said it was because he (AF's parents) had debts. According to neighbors, this child seemed to be held hostage. If the debt is paid, it will be taken," said Sudiyono, the head of the local RT.

Even so, the East Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim has not carried out an in-depth examination of the news.

"We are still investigating this (debt). From the suspect's statement, the victim's parents AF put the baby to his grandparents but did not provide a living, sometimes the suspect said, (AF's parents) borrowed money that had not been returned," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Budi Sartono Kombes Budi to reporters, Thursday, January 19.

However, if it is proven that debt problems have been found, the two perpetrators, Antonius Sirait and Titin Hariyani, will still be subject to criminal charges related to violence.

Antonius and Titin were charged with Article 76 c junto Article 80 paragraph 3 uu number 35 taub 2014 concerning child protection and or Article 351 of the Criminal Code paragraph 3 concerning persecution resulted in death with a penalty of 15 years in prison.

Meanwhile, the biological mother of the victim named Sri Wahyuni alias SW was also named a suspect. Sri djjerat Article 76 b junto Article 77 and or Article 76 c junto Article 80 paragraph 4 with a threat of 20 years in prison.

"The three suspects have now been detained for further legal proceedings. But if the mother is involved (dependent) we will develop it later," he said.