Three People Were Secured In The Aftermath Of A Case Of A Family Of Poisoning In Bantargebang

JAKARTA - The police have arrested three suspected perpetrators in the case of poisoning by a family that caused three of them to die.
The poisoning case happened to five people who lived in the Bantargebang area, Bekasi. They were found in a foamy mouth condition on Thursday, January 12.
"Three people have been arrested," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko to reporters, Tuesday, January 17.
However, it has not been explained in detail about the identity and location of the arrests of the three people. It is only conveyed that the intensive examination process is still being carried out.
On the other hand, Trunoyudo said the arrests of the three people were due to the investigation process, members of the General Criminal Investigation Directorate assessed that the poisoning case fulfilled the criminal element.
"It is true that this incident is a criminal act," said Trunoyudo.
For information, in investigating the poisoning case, the police confiscated 12 samples that would be examined in the laboratory.
In addition, the police also took samples of vomit and feces or dirt from the victims. The goal is to find out the substance that causes them to be poisoned.