Girls UnderAGE Sexually 6 Children In Brebes, Already Mediated But Police Still Defend

BREBES Unit PPA Satreskrim Polres Brebes handled a rape case committed by six minors in Tanjung District, Brebes Regency, Central Java which was carried out in a village in Tanjung District. Based on the report, the victim with the initials WD was raped by the victim since December 2022.

The rape case has been reported by Dedy Rachman, a Brebes resident to the Brebes Police today, Tuesday, January 17.

"It is estimated that this will happen in December 2022, then mediation was carried out by the Village and NGOs on January 29 at the house of the Village Head in Tanjung Brebes District without involving the Police," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Brebes Police, through Iptu Puji Haryati, as written in a statement received on Tuesday, January 17.

Iptu Puji Haryati explained, in the mediation the victim's family had agreed with the perpetrator to be resolved amicably, which was mediated by the local village government and local NGOs, witnessed by Community Leaders, RT Chair, Kadus, Village Head. And according to the agreement letter, Puji continued, that the victim would not report to the police along with a statement letter from the victim.

However, the police who received the report immediately took action to carry out an investigation.

"The efforts that will be taken by the Brebes Police Satreskrim through the PPA UNIT coordinate with the DP3AKB and PPT Tiara, come to the victim and collect evidence to carry out further processing, carry out post-mortem (VET) on the victim, examine witnesses, investigate or thoroughly, update the development of the case. we will convey it at the first opportunity." he concluded.