NTB Mataram Hospital Implements Strict Prokes Although PPKM Is Revoked, Easing Is Only Outside The Building

The Regional General Hospital (RSUD) of Mataram City has so far still implemented health protocols (prokes) in hospital areas even though the policy for the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) has been lifted on December 30.

Direktur Utama (Dirut) RSUD Kota Mataram dr Ni Ketut Eka Nurhayati mengatakan, penerapan prokes di area rumah sakit sebagai upaya perlindungan diri meskipun pemerintah mencabut PPKM.

"Even though the PPKM has been revoked, the status of the COVID-19 pandemic has not been revoked, it is endemic. So we must remain vigilant, especially health workers," he said in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, Monday, January 16, was confiscated by Antara.

This condition, he said, is different from the environment outside the hospital by providing health care concessions as an effort to increase economic growth.

In the hospital environment, he said, all medical and non-medical officers at the Mataram City Hospital as well as patients and visitors who come to the hospital must apply health procedures, especially wearing masks.

The reason is, the percentage rate of positive cases or the "positivity rate" of COVID-19 is still found, although it is only 2-3 people.

"The figure of the positivity rate in a day is 2-3 people. Even then they have comorbid diseases. If those without symptoms are most isolated independently and in the next six days they will recover," he said.

Related to that, he said, two floors of the isolation room for COVID-19 patients are still being prepared, including for special operating rooms for infectious diseases.

If the status of the pandemic has been lifted to endemic, then the Mataram City Hospital will transfer the function of isolation rooms, for example for infectious disease patients, such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV and others.

"So we have not destroyed the two floors of the isolation room for COVID-19 patients even though the PPKM status has been revoked," he said.