3 Reasons Venna Melinda Yakin For Divorce From Ferry Irawan

JAKARTA - Artist who is also a former member of the DPR, Venna Melinda, confirmed herself to sue for divorce from her husband, Ferry Irawan, after what happened to her in Kediri City on Sunday, January 8 yesterday.

Coming to the East Java Regional Police to undergo additional examinations on reports of alleged domestic violence that happened to him, Venna, who was accompanied by her attorney, Hotman Paris Hutapea, stated to the media crew present that she would sue for divorce from Ferry Irawan.

Here are the reasons Venna Melinda is sure to divorce from Ferry Irawan.

It's enough to be sick

"I feel that it's enough, this violence is enough. I want to focus on my work and my children. God willing, I want to return to Jakarta to sue for divorce (Ferry Irawan)," said Venna Melinda.

Not Acknowledging Errors

It was not only Ferry's violence that became the main reason Venna decided to file a lawsuit. He admitted that he was disappointed with her husband, who was not aware after injuring his wife.

What makes me disappointed is that when the hotel clerk came, he was asked why and Ferry said Not me the culprit. There I was disappointed. As a woman, consider her husband a mistake, but if she loves her wife, as soon as she sees her bleeding, she won't get in the way," he said.

"Once the police arrived he was asked again, he still said 'It's not me. I don't know anything'. There it felt like I was wife enough, that she could lie, she could manipulate people with her alibis. From there, I wanted to divorce because I couldn't hold it anymore," he continued.

Let's go

Venna thinks that her husband as an imam in the family should not lie. She feels that nothing can be maintained when her husband no longer has a principle of life.

As a woman, Venna wants to fight for what she is committed to. I must be able to teach a lesson that women must speak up, no matter how difficult it is. That has become my commitment," she said.

Currently, Venna Melinda has returned to Jakarta. Together with her eldest child, Verrell Bramasta, Venna departed from Surabaya after undergoing an additional examination. It is not known for sure when Venna will file for divorce which she promised.

Meanwhile, Ferry Irawan has been named by the East Java Regional Police on suspicion of domestic violence. "As of January 12, 2023, the East Java Regional Police have named Ferry Irawan, the husband of Venna Melinda, as a suspect on suspicion related to Article 44 paragraph 1 and Article 45 of the Law on domestic violence. Ferry will be summoned on Monday as a suspect," concluded Hotman Paris.