5 Children's Care Problems That Challenge Parents

YOGYAKARTA For those of you who just have a baby, of course you feel happiness. In line with this moment, you also need to learn a lot about accompanying your child's growth so that they are independent. Being parents, is not a smooth process without challenges. But while learning, it won't be a big problem.

In parenting, there are five lists of the most difficult things to do and require consistent learning. Learning is not only for children, but also for parents in parenting. What are the lists of challenges that are often considered problematic in parenting? This is his explanation.

Often parents are of the view of raising children based on who we think they should be. Not who they are and what they need. That's why parents need to try to see from the side of their children. Maybe this is an endless challenge, even until they grow up. Launching Empowering Parents, Thursday, January 12, when you accept your child as they are, they can be better at accepting themselves.

When children fall and get hurt, they feel pain. Another example, when a child fails to enter a favorite school, they have to accept the consequences for their failure. Teaching the consequences is not easy for parents. The majority of parents want to protect their children from bad consequences. But on the one hand, children need to learn to accept the consequences. That way, children know the process of struggling and being responsible for their actions.

If you have a child acting and doing challenging behaviors, such as raging, screaming, or not complying with you, it will probably get assessment'' from other people. This assessment can make you feel like a bad parent. Even when you know how to raise a child as best you can.

But when your child acts, and you feel judged by others, stop and tell you that being a parent is also part of the learning process. In addition, involve positive self-talk to encourage calm and hope, not panic.

One of the hardest things parents face is when children think parents are bad, rude, or unethical. Children may feel this when they experience changes, such as at pre-teen age. They will refuse to be accompanied by their parents wherever they want to go or when their parents give a curfew limit.

Even though it's difficult, try not to personalize your child's behavior, even when they say they hate you. When you personalize various things, it is very difficult to be objective about how to respond to your child at that time.

During pre-teen and teenage years, you are constantly faced with the challenge of letting go. However, a natural part of youth is risk taking. This period often results in rule violations and inappropriate behavior. For parents to be able to escape from emotional responses to bad behavior, then love children as humans. Give them room to learn and try.

That's a challenging child care problem for parents. Are you experiencing it? It may be difficult for parents to find out which one is right. That is, parents need to accept the choices that must be made and do their best as long as they can.