5 Commodity Resulting Areas In Indonesia That Exist In The East To West Ujung

YOGYAKARTA The copper-producing area in Indonesia is spread from the eastern tip (Papua) to the western end (Sumatra).

According to data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EDM) quoted on Wednesday, January 11, 2023, Indonesia is included in the seven largest copper-producing countries in the world.

In 2020, copper resource reserves in Indonesia will reach 28 billion metric tons.

This figure is equivalent to 3 percent of the world's copper reserves, which amount to 871 billion metric tons.

The world's first rank of copper-producing country is occupied by Chile with copper reserves reaching 200 billion metric tons by 2020. Next, second and third order is occupied by Australia and Peru which have copper reserves of 87 billion metric tons.

Other countries that have very large amounts of copper reserves are Russia as many as 61 billion metric tons, Mexico 53 billion metric tons, the United States, 51 billion metric tons, 26 billion metric tons, Kazakhstan 20 billion metric tons, Congo 19 billion metric tons, and Zambia 19 billion metric tons.

In Indonesia, one of the areas that has large amounts of copper reserves is Papua.

In this article, VOI will discuss copper-producing areas in Indonesia.

Compiled from various sources, the following are the largest copper-producing regions in Indonesia spread across the east to west:

The copper reserves in Papua are explored by PT Freeport Indonesia. The copper mine managed by Freeport, namely the Grasberg mine, is located in Mimika Regency, precisely in the Tembaga Pura highlands.

According to the Fourth Quarter and Year Ended 2020 Freeport Mcmoran, in 2019, PT Freeport Indonesia managed to mine 106 million tons of copper.

This figure rose to 809 million tons in 2020.

Apart from exploring copper, PT Freeport also mines gold and produces 240 kg of pure gold every day.

South Sulawesi (Sulsel) has a fairly large natural resource in the form of copper. The location of the copper mine in South Sulawesi is located in Sangkaropi, Sadan District, North Toraja Regency.

This area has a lot of volcanic rock that has experienced the weathering process, so it is very suitable to be used as a excavation area or mining area.

The production of copper in Sangkaropi is estimated at 350 thousand tons per year.

South Sulawesi also has abundant copper reserves. One of the companies conducting mining in the North Sulawesi region is PT Gorontalo Minerals, which in 2015 explored copper and gold in Gorontalo. PT Gorontalo Minerals is the grandson of a company from PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI).

copper production in North Sulawesi is estimated to reach 693,109 tons per year.

The next copper-producing area in Indonesia is Pacitan, East Java. The exploration of copper in Pacitan was carried out by PT Gemilang Limpah Internusa.

The average per day of PT Gemilang Limpah Internusa can produce 50 tons of mining products, which contain gold, copper, and tin.

Silungkang, West Sumatra is one of the copper-producing areas in Indonesia.

The area of land used to explore copper in Silungkang reaches 3,102 hectares.

Total production of copper in Silungkang reaches 419,600 tons of copper per year.

That's the information about copper-producing areas in Indonesia. Hopefully it will be useful!