Worried About The Overturn Of Increasingly Marified Land Functions, 5 Regencies In Aceh Proposes The Protection Of Sawah Lands

ACEH - The Aceh Agriculture and Plantation Service (Distanbun) said five districts in Aceh Province had proposed protection for rice fields, so that land conversion would not occur in order to maintain the stability of food needs."This rice field needs to be protected. Let's look at the rice fields now, some have built gas stations, shops, and even housing,” said Head of Facilities and Infrastructure of the Aceh Distanbun Nurlaila in Banda Aceh, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, January 10.Currently, many rice fields in Aceh have experienced land transfers, so the Aceh Government needs to move quickly to protect the rice fields.Of course, he continued, this effort to protect rice fields refers to Law Number 41 of 2009 concerning the Protection of Sustainable Food Agriculture Lands.“We know that this rice field is decreasing day by day, so that for us to print this new rice field is getting more difficult. The land area remains, humans increase, and food needs are increasing, so this land must be protected,” he said.Currently, said Nurlaila, there are five districts that have proposed the protection of Sustainable Food Agriculture (LP2B) through the regent's decree (SK) in each region, namely Aceh Besar, Pidie, Bireuen, North Aceh and East Aceh."The central government facilitates these five districts, which are now with the regent's decree to protect their rice fields, so that we can make them into LP2B land," he said.The proposed rice fields for the protection of LP2B include 21,227 hectares of Aceh Besar, 25,964 hectares of Pidie, 15,006 hectares of Bireuen, 38,858 hectares of North Aceh, and 20,196 hectares of East Aceh.This rice field land protection will be integrated with the Regency and Provincial Spatial Planning (RTRW), so that people do not immediately convert the land function into other areas, such as housing, shop buildings, and others."So later when there are parties who propose development, when viewed it on the LP2B rice field, the permit will not be issued," he said.