Head Of Legal Section Of The Dompu Regional Secretariat Was Presented At The NTB BPR Corruption Session, Rasabau Branch

The trial of the corruption case of the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) People's Credit Bank (BPR), Rasabou branch with the defendant Badaruddin, continues today, Friday, January 6.

In this trial, the prosecutor presented the Head of Legal Affairs of the Regional Secretariat (Setda) of Dompu, Momon Soeherman as a witness. Momon gave information regarding the government's investment in government capital for the NTB BPR, Dompu Regency.

"The total government capital participation for BPR reached Rp12 billion. The last amount was Rp1 billion in 2015," Momon said when asked by a judge at the Mataram Corruption Court, NTB, Friday, January 6, was confiscated by Antara.

Momon said the government no longer channeled fresh funds to capital participation to BPR after 2015. "Yes, lastly it was 2015, Rp1 billion, the following year it was no longer there," he said.

In the capital investment agreement with BPR, Momon continued, the government gets dividends from profits every year. However, regarding the nominal profit, Momon refused to answer because it was beyond his authority.

"For the issue of dividends, that's the economic part that knows better," he said.

Momon added that the government's capital participation in the NTB BPR in Dompu Regency has been regulated in the Dompu Regency Regional Regulation Number 9 of 2015.

"The regulation states that the government's capital participation expires in 2015 and the rest is not done," said Momon.

The prosecutor was presented at the trial this time to strengthen the confidence of the judge to see the budget source for BPR operations.

This also led to the disclosure of the fact that the replacement money from state losses had emerged worth Rp. 284 million in credit applications for 12 customers from June to November 2018.

Badaruddin, who was a defendant in this case, acted as a credit analyst for the NTB BPR Rasabau Branch, Dompu Regency.

According to the description of the indictment, the prosecutor explained that Badaruddin had abused his authority as a credit analyst. The abuse relates to credit applications for 12 customers, one of whom is by using the name of his ex-wife.

In his capacity as a credit analyst, Badaruddin manipulated customer submission data, one of which changed the credit ceiling of the customer's name, which first made the submission.

Another act that is also considered contrary to the rules is credit disbursement. Badaruddin took care of directly with the treasurer without any approval or knowledge from the leadership.

With this description of the indictment, Badaruddin was charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 paragraph (1) of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes.