11 Balikpapan Police Detention Center Disbursed Thanks To Gaqar From The Wife Of A Prisoner Who Became A Suspect

The police have named N, the wife of a BM inmate as a suspect in the incident of the escape of 11 prisoners from the Balikpapan Police, East Kalimantan (Kaltim).

"We set it yesterday, Wednesday (January 4)," said Balikpapan Police Chief Commissioner (Kombes Pol) Thirdy Hadmiarso, in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Thursday, January 5.

BM, one of the escaped prisoners was arrested by the authorities at 09.30 WITA, Sunday January 1, 2023. N's husband was arrested while at the Baiturrahman Mushala, Km 26 Jalan Sangatta-Bantang, Teluk Pandan District, East Kutai. Together with BM at that time, DL was also arrested.

N himself has been detained by the police since Sunday, January 1, 2023.

According to the Thirdy Police Chief, N smuggled an iron saw into custody on Saturday, December 31. N also helped her husband BM and DL escape.

"After this prisoner escaped, N rode with her husband and DL to Bontang, before finally being arrested again," said the police chief being confiscated by Antara.

Police are still investigating N to find out how the suspect put the saw into the detention cell.

As of the middle of this week, the police have also arrested YG, US, and AZ.

One prisoner with the initials A (33), chose to surrender on Wednesday, January 4 at 23.30 WITA. A was handed over by residents at the Muara Badak Police, Kutai Kartanegara, no less than 130 km from Balikpapan.

According to Police Chief Thirdy, A fled on foot from Balikpapan to Samarinda by coast.

But A finally felt tired and could no longer walk. He then asked residents to be taken to the nearest police station.

"So we together with the Jatanras Unit of the East Kalimantan Police picked up the person concerned at the Muara Badak Police," said the Police Chief.

Thus, currently eight detainees have been arrested by the Balikpapan Police. Three other detainees are currently being hunted.

A total of 11 detainees in the case of protecting women and children escaped from the Balikpapan Police on Saturday, December 31, 2022. They saw the ventilation theory and then came out with the help of a sarong that was attached.

A total of seven prisoners were arrested at different times by the police.

The first three detainees were arrested shortly after fleeing on Saturday, December 31 at 03.00 WITA. The police then again arrested two more people in Pandan Bay, East Kutim, on Sunday, January 1 morning.

In addition to arresting two detainees, the police also arrested N, the wife of one of the detainees for allegedly helping her husband escape.

On Tuesday, January 3, the police arrested two more detainees who fled in the Handil area, Samboja, Kutai Kartanegara.