Nothing Special, Investigation Of Allegations Of Corruption Formula E Is The Same As Other Cases At The KPK
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has confirmed the investigation into alleged corruption in the implementation of Formula E Jakarta according to the rules. The investigation will be like any other case.
"For Formula E, we make sure the handling is the same as other cases," said Head of the News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Thursday, January 5.
Ali said all findings would be discussed internally. The Directorate of Investigation, Investigation, and leadership participated in the forum.
"When later in the end, we will inform you what we are going to do," he said. It turns out that the Formula E investigation case at the KPK has been carried out many times. Find the answer in this article.
The KPK also did not specify the time when this allegation should go up for investigation from the investigation. The reason is that the investigation into Formula E is not like a hand arrest operation (OTT) which must be upgraded after 1x24 hours of prosecution.
"But an open investigation of a kind of Formula, it could take a long time. At any time it can be done so it is not limited by time," said Ali.
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Previously, the KPK confirmed that it was investigating allegations of corruption in the Formula E racing event in DKI Jakarta. There are several parties who have been summoned, one of which is Anies Baswedan on Wednesday, September 7.
After the summons, news circulated that Anies would be named a suspect. This step was accused of tackling him in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).
Apart from Anies, a number of parties have also been summoned for wisdom. One of them, the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edy Marsudi, admitted that he explained about the loan of Rp180 billion by the DKI Jakarta Dispora to pay the commitment fee to Formula E Operations (FEO).