Meski Tak Kadaluwarsa, Madu Yang Dihampat Berpahun-tahun Khasiatnya Menurut

YOGYAKARTA Honey is a good choice of natural sweeteners for health. This natural ingredient has been used by humans since 5,500 before Masehi, which was recorded as having a long durability.

Honey contains protein and anti-bacterial enzymes and is antioxidant. In 2015, an archaeologist discovered a 3,000-year-old pot of honey in an Egyptian tomb. Reported by Mind+Body, Wednesday, January 4, researchers mixed honey in tea. Some can also be eaten to prove that honey is not toxic even though it has been stored for thousands of years.

Honey is produced from sweet natural substances. Produced by bees from plants or plant secretions. The flower grandmothers that are smoked by bees are mixed with enzymes and saliva. Then the bees store it in their nests. Reported by Healthline, the composition of honey depends on the bee species, plants, and flowers where this material is produced. It also tastes different, even with its color. There are those that are old yellow or are not colored and clear.

Honey, which is commonly consumed, contains 80 percent sugar and is not more than 18 water. The exact amount depends on the bee species, plants, weather, and moisture as well as treatment. Honey also contains organic acids, such as gluonic acid, which is responsible for its distinctive acidic taste. In a very small amount, from granulars smoked by bees, contributes to the vitamin content in honey.

Based on nutritional records, the only important nutrient in honey is sugar. In each tablespoon or as much as 21 grams, contains 65 calories and 17.2 grams of sugar. There are also traces of minerals in honey, such as potassium, especially in darker varieties.

Like sugar used as food preservatives. Because the high sugar content in honey makes it not expired for a long time. Besides also containing low water, the acidic and antibial properties produced by bees make honey durable stored. The expert explains, high sugar levels mean that the osmotic pressure on honey is very high. This causes water to flow out of microbial cells, and stops their growth. Uniquely, there is no fermentation or decomposition of sugar molecules in honey.

The honey pH ranges from 3.4 to 6.1, with an average pH of 3.9 which is quite acidic. The main reason is the presence of glukona acid, which is produced during the maturation of fire. However, honey with lower and higher pH does not find any significant difference in antimicrobial activity.

Despite the antimicrobial properties of honey, this natural sweetener can cause disease under certain circumstances. Including incorrect contamination, forgery, and storage. Instead of being efficacious, improper way of storing honey can make this sweetener lose some of its anti-micro properties, contaminated, and damaged.