Beggar Di Jakbar Banyak Pendatang, Pura-pura Sakit Supaya Dikasiman Warga

JAKARTA - The West Jakarta City Government revealed that the majority of people with Social Welfare Problems (PMKS) who were caught in raids in the area were not from DKI Jakarta. They are immigrants from outside the city, such as West Java and East Java.

"They are not from DKI Jakarta, yes, the majority of them are from the regions such as Surabaya and others," said Head of West Jakarta Social Service, Suprapto, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, January 4.

Suprapto said they usually come with several groups from the area during certain moments such as during the fasting month.

At that time, they started operating as beggars, homeless people to silver people. Some beggars used the mode of pretending to be sick to attract the mercy of the residents.

"In West Jakarta, usually in the center of the crowd, in their city there begging by pretending to be sick or unable to walk or paralyzed," said Suprapto.

To prevent the spread of PMKS activities in West Jakarta, Suprapto appealed to the public not to give alms to beggars on the streets.

If you want to do charity, residents are advised to donate to official foundations or charities such as Baznaz Bazis West Jakarta.

"The number of homeless people can be reduced. It is hoped that residents will donate to the official party," he said.

Thus, he, namely beggar activity in the DKI area, especially in West Jakarta, will decrease in 2023.

A total of 1,465 PMKS have been arrested by the West Jakarta City Government (Jakbar City Government) for 2022.

"We net 1,465 people. It consists of hawkers, people with mental problems (ODMK) and homeless people," said Suprapto.

Thousands of PMKS were arrested by Social Sub-Department (Sudin) officers and Civil Service Police Units (Satpol PP) from all sub-districts in West Jakarta.

Those who were caught were immediately trained at the Bangun Daya Bina Insani Social Institution (PBSI) belonging to the DKI Jakarta Social Service.

Of the total 12 months of prosecution, in April it became the highest screening of up to 249 PMKS. Meanwhile, the lowest number of PMKS occurred in May, which was 50 people.

Of the total selection during 2022, the most netted types of PMKS are homeless with 582 people. While at least five hawkers.