Ganjar Makes Central Java the First Province in the Republic of Indonesia to Have a Data Center

Central Java became the first province in Indonesia to have a data center and be included in the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) for accelerating digitalization.

"This is an effort to build digitalization. Of course, it is not enough to 'statement', but it needs to prepare the infrastructure. This 'center' data is needed to collect all existing data, the 'storage' is here", said Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo when inaugurating the Central Java Provincial Data Center in Semarang.

According to him, data centers can be utilized optimally by all sectors, sub-sectors, and district/city regional apparatus organizations throughout Central Java.

"So, the data has made many innovations, we hope to come here", said Ganjar, Wednesday, January 4.

Ganjar gave an example that the agriculture sector office can take all the data, starting from the weather, areas, types of plants, regions, planting times, and harvests so that they can be prepared with "artificial intelligence".

"If all OPDs can take advantage of this, of course, all decisions are far more precise than using science approximately. We hope that this 'center' data will be a much faster digitalization process", he said.

In addition, Ganjar mentioned the data center as an effort to support electronic-based government systems.

"We were asked to support the SPBE (electronic-based government system) and now we are starting to tidy up. In the past, the 'storage' was lacking, the place is separate, now it is centered here and we are accompanied by BSSN", he said.

He hopes that the efforts led by the Central Java Communications and Information Office can be a leap towards a more sophisticated and modern system.

"We hope this can be used to make jumps. It has been made, given a budget, so there must be a 'value' from here so that the 'output' of the building, the 'outcome' is a decision for the community and faster", he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of BSSN Hinsa Siburian appreciated Governor Ganjar Pranowo's steps in establishing a data center.

"We thank the Governor and the Central Java Provincial Government, we are currently building a national data center, later we will see and assist so that we can connect with the national data center", he said.

He said the Central Java Provincial Data Center was the first and officially launched BSSN so it deserves appreciation.

"If we are still waiting for the national data center in 2024 it will be quite a long time. Meanwhile, what we are officially launching is new to Central Java, we will see it elsewhere", he said.