Ria Ricis Tuai Critics After Gendong Children Riding Jetski Without Village

JAKARTA - Ria Ricis and her small family are on vacation in Bali. They are trying the sea of Bali where Ria and her husband, Teuku Ryan, ride a jetski.

However, what caught my attention was when Ricis brought his son, Moana, to join the jetski. Initially Moana had worn a life jacket according to her pink body size.

The moment was caught on the video on Ria Ricis's YouTube channel. However, unlike posts on Instagram, Moana was seen not using a buoy and being carried with one hand by Teuku Ryan who was also driving a jetski.

Ricis had time to ask if any five-month-old child had ever taken a jetski. He and Teuku then tried to drive with Moana.

Ricis seemed enthusiastic because he managed to bring Moana into the sea. Even though in the end they only drive jetski around the sea, this video has drawn criticism from netizens.

"Sorry.. It should not be imitated in my opinion. Should think about the safety of the baby. The father and mother use their child's buoy without safety. The accident of coming was never suspected. Yes, maybe it was okay for the child to be safe. But to be a lesson when making more useful content. I am also a mother, let alone at sea, ride a motorbike. bring my baby still thought dozens of times. Want to teach the spirit of courage to children that way, "wrote a comment from one netizen.

"It shouldn't be content.. maybe it's safe for you guys but it can't be safe for those who watch, let alone imitated. public figures," said another.

"It's not exemplary at all, children don't use buoys, only one position is carried, this is not a public figure who sets a good example," added the netizen.

Realizing that her content has drawn criticism, Ria Ricis wrote thank you to her Instagram friends who wrote her comments.

"Auncle, thank you for the suggestions and input," wrote Ria Ricis.