Surabaya Still Makes Flood Management A Priority For Development 2023

Deputy Mayor of Surabaya Armuji emphasized that flood management in the City of Heroes is still a development priority in 2023.

"We hope that Surabaya will be even better in 2023. Let's work together to deal with flooding," said Cak Ji, Armuji's nickname in Surabaya, Monday, January 2.

According to him, one of the policies of the Surabaya City Government in handling floods in 2022 is to reduce inundation points in a number of areas of the City of Heroes.

In addition, he continued, he had completed the construction of two Bozems or rainwater reservoirs, including in Karah Village, Jambangan District covering an area of 6,942 square meters and Sumberejo Village, Pakal District covering an area of 13,285 square meters.

"In 2022, 58 waterways (waterway drains) have been built with a total length of 21.4 kilometers. As a result, currently channels have been connected throughout the Surabaya region to accelerate the drainage function and reduce inundation points," said Cak Ji as quoted by Antara.

Cak Ji said, the Surabaya Water Resources and Highways Service (DSDABM) has also revitalized and built 18 pump houses, added four pump houses, and built a seven pump house structure.

"According to the data we have collected, as of December 2022, 819,977 rits of dredging have been transported by DSDABM friends and have been carried out with community service at 187 location points," said Cak Ji.

This year, the Surabaya City Government also increased the drainage budget from 2022 to IDR 541 billion to IDR 867 billion. The budget is divided into sub-operational activities and maintenance of drainage, rehabilitation of urban drainage channels, and construction of drainage systems.

Handling the urban drainage system, said Cak Ji, is carried out in a sustainable and comprehensive manner following the heavyer channel load as the population and rapid development increase.

"So it will be unraveled one by one," he said.