Burst Rain As A Result Of Four Regencies On Madura Island Inundated By Floods

JAKARTA - Floods due to heavy rains on Madura Island, East Java, are now spreading to four districts and causing inundation on a number of national roads connecting regencies in the region.

Previously, on Saturday (31/12) floods only occurred in two districts, namely Pamekasan Regency and Bangkalan Regency. On Sunday (1/1) the flood began to inundate Sumenep City and Sampang City.

"This time the floods are in the center of Sampang City, namely around the Trunojoyo Sampang Monument area," said the Chief Executive (Kalaksa) of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Sampang Asroni Regency in Sampang, East Java, as quoted by Antara, Sunday.

The flood that occurred in this city was caused by the overflow of the Kalikamoning River, after Saturday (31/12) afternoon until evening in the upstream area of the river, namely in Karangpenang District there was a flash flood.

Currently, the height of the flood in Sampang City has reached the knee of an adult. All types of vehicles from the Pamekasan direction that want to pass through the city of Sampang are directed through an alternative route, namely the Sampang southern circle route.

"We have to do this, because if a vehicle breaks through a flood inundation, it has the potential to strike," said Head of Operations Section (KBO) of the Sampang Police Traffic Unit, Iptu Syafriwato.

Meanwhile in Sumenep, floods inundated the entrance to Sumenep City, precisely in front of the Universitas Wiraraja (Unija) and STKIP Sumenep campuses.

Floods that occurred on this route, due to overflowing rice fields on the west side of the road that overflowed onto the highway, after heavy rains flushed the easternmost district on Madura Island on Saturday (31/12) morning until evening.

The height of the puddle at this point is between 50 and 60 cm and many two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles have broken down due to breaking through floodwaters.