Top! Pertamina Hulu Rokanorders 400 New Well DRIVEs Throughout 2022

JAKARTA PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) noted that throughout 2022 it has succeeded in drilling 400 in the Rokan working area (WK).

After drilling, the wells enter the production process or commonly called Put on Production (POP).

A total of 391 wells have been successfully POP by PHR this year, with the outlook of 395 wells.

PHR President Director, Jaffee Arizon Suardin revealed, massive and aggressive work plans were carried out by the entire team to increase the productivity of the Rokan WK through the new production wells drilling program, the management of base business performance to curb the decline in natural production, and the reliability of operating facilities.

"Of course, this achievement is due to the cooperation and hard work of PHR officers and partners, let's maintain our enthusiasm to contribute to national energy security," Jaffee said in an official statement, Friday, December 30.

Meanwhile, SKK Migas Secretary Shinta Damayanti said that through digitization, PHR can monitor early and anticipate potential obstacles better.

The potential for hydrocarbons in Rokan is still very large, both conventional and non-conventional oil and gas potential. With better risk mitigation, of course the certainty of taxing wells to POPs can be more secure, thus accelerating the increase in the production of Rokan's WK," said Shinta.

Shinta reminded that the success of a massive work program in 2022 and the acceleration of POP can support reliable production facilities.

"In addition to a massive program to increase production, reliable production facilities must also be supported so that there are no operational obstacles in supporting increased production and lifting in 2023," added Shinta.

Throughout 2022 PHR WK Rokan has also made various breakthroughs so that the target of new wells can be achieved. Among other things, the drilling team carried out several activities in parallel (simultaneous operation), improved the reliability of drilling equipment, and prepared careful planning with Spirit Sumatra (Sustainable, Massive, To Grow, Efficiency, Resilient, Aggressive).

PHR WK Rokan also succeeded in shortening the POP cycle time, which is the time needed from the completion of the drilling until the initial production is carried out.

The target average POP cycle time for heavy Oil (HO) wells is 20 days, while the actual average is 11.9 days.

The target average time cycle of the POP Sumatra Light well is 15-20 days, while the actual is 11.2 to 11.7 days.

Just so you know, the PHR WK Rokan operation provides other multiplier effects such as job creation and business opportunities for local entrepreneurs that can encourage improving the welfare of the local community. The increase in the intensity of upstream oil and gas activities in the Rokan WK will certainly increase the pulse of economic activity and investment value in Riau.