Not Just The Concept, Green And Smart Port Is A Requirement For Port Managers To Care For The Environment And Social In The Around Area

Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi encourages port managers to build a green and smart port.

"Green and smart ports are not only a concept, but become a necessity that must be built consistently. How can ports not only have economic interests, but also pay attention to the environment and also inclusive or have social concern in the surrounding area," Budi said in a press statement, as quoted on Thursday, December 29.

"As did the President in Bali by planting mangroves and other efforts," he continued.

Budi said port activities had a direct impact on the environment, such as oil spills, which could pollute the environment.

Therefore, port managers need to prepare steps to neutralize the impact.

He explained that the Ministry of Transportation is committed to trying to implement a green port in Indonesia by establishing policies to ensure environmental sustainability at ports.

The Minister of Transportation also hopes that port managers and related stakeholders in the shipping sector will make systematic efforts and show their commitment to protecting the environment, in addition to economic functions.

"We all need our commitment to create a green port," said Budi.

The government through the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries targets 149 ports in Indonesia to implement a green and smart port by 2024. Currently, there are 14 ports that have implemented it.